Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The No-Shave November Logs, Day 7: ...It's How You Play The Game

As you probably know by now, Washington's R-74 to legalize same-sex marriage was approved yesterday. As you may also know, I have been a longtime supporter of same-sex marriage, on the grounds of promoting religious liberty (You can CLICK HERE to read my lengthy blog entry on the subject.). As such, I just wanted to take this time to say thank you to all my fellow Washington voters who voted to approve R-74. The future of religious liberty thanks you as well.

If you linked here from my Facebook page (CLICK HERE if you haven't already "Liked" me on FB!), chances are you did not vote to approve R-74, as - with a few notable exceptions - it seems that everyone I know on Facebook was quite vocal in their opposition of it. I just want you all to know, it doesn't change the way I feel about you. I don't have to agree with you on politics or policy to like you and be your friend.

I think we've lost sight of the importance of that fact in America. Politics has become so divisive - and intentionally so on the part of politicians - that we seem to have forgotten that, at the end of the day, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney (and even Gary Johnson, to all my fringe-dwelling comrades out there) are not going to put their arms around you when you're hurting. They're not going invite you to stay at their place when your house burns down. They're not going to give you a recommendation or talk to their boss for you when you're out of work. They're not going to come visit you in the hospital, or watch your kids for you when you have to work overtime. That's what friends are for, and if we allow politics to alienate us from each other, we'll find ourselves alone with our politics in our hour of need. I don't want that, and I'm willing to bet that you don't either.

Politics are important. They affect our lives in a lot of important ways, but they don't even come within shouting distance of the importance of personal relationships. So remember who your friends are. There's a good chance that some of the best ones are your political enemies. I think that says a lot.


I call this look Seattle, 1992.

You can follow me on Twitter (CLICK HERE) and LIKE me on Facebook (CLICK HERE) too. Hope to see you there!

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