Thursday, November 22, 2012

The No-Shave November Logs, Day 22: Stand Up Straight And Speak Clearly

Thanksgiving is a day that's all about traditions. The great thing about having a relatively new holiday (in the historical sense) that's all about traditions is that you can start a new tradition whenever you want, and it's just as valid and important as all the rest that have gone before.

Today I attempted to start a new family tradition. Over the last few nights, I wrote a Thanksgiving-themed story to be read after Thanksgiving dinner. As family is one of the things that makes Thanksgiving so important, I decided to base all of the characters on my family, and make the setting the house I would be reading the story in.

Overall, I think "Turkey Day" went over pretty well. What might have been a pulpy horror story in other circumstances became a campy comedy, as everyone in the room could put not only a face, but a personality to each of the characters and events as I read them. I think we had a pretty good time, and I hope to do it again next year, ideally with a new story for the new year.

I'm currently toying with writing one for Christmas, but I'm not sure if I can pull a new story out of my brain that quickly. But who knows? I only thought up "Turkey Day" on Tuesday night, and that worked out great!


I call this look, Grateful Dawg.

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