Friday, November 23, 2012

The No-Shave November Logs, Day 23: Say You're Sorry

I'd just like to take this chance to apologize to everyone. What can I say? I'm weak! I knew it was wrong, but I just couldn't help myself. I'm not proud of what I did, but if you give me another chance, I'll try not to do it again. Please don't give up on me!

I didn't mean to buy anything on Black Friday, but I just couldn't stop myself. I wanted to get a gift for my son, and it was $30 off! You can hardly hold that against me! I didn't go at 8pm Thanksgiving day! I waited until 2am this morning (despite what you may think, that's actually a reasonable hour for me) just to show that I wasn't going to be taken in by the hoopla.

Of course, when I got to Wal-Mart they had racks of low-priced Blu-Rays and DVDs lined up every aisle leading to the section where they kept the gift I was looking for. I couldn't help browsing on my way back! But I didn't get anything! Sure, I put a $4 copy of Hellboy 2: The Golden Army in my basket, but I put it back on the shelf when I realized they were out of the thing I'd come for in the first place!

It was Best Buy that got me. I mean, I had to go there! They were the only other place I could think of where that particular item was on sale! And I held out until I was stuck in that interminable line they have wrapping the entire store. I had come and found what I was looking for, and was ready to leave when I saw that they had the Will Ferrell/Zach Galifanakis political laugh-fest The Campaign for only $12! Twelve lousy bucks!!! How could I resist such hilarity at such a low price? Are you telling me you could?!?

All right! I admit it! I'm a bad person! I succumbed to avarice when I should have been focusing on gratefulness, and I'm sorry! I promise I'll try to do better next year!

This is a Black Friday indeed.


I call this look, Lone Survivor.

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