Sunday, September 14, 2014

They Say You Never Forget Your First Time

It's up now!!!

I am, of course, referring to my first published story - Digit - which you can find in audio format by heading over to (CLICK HERE to go straight to it!), where you can stream it or download it, along with a backlog of over 400 more episodes, for free. It's also on iTunes, on Pseudopod's podcast page (it's episode 403: Flash On The Borderlands XXI: The Tyranny Of Objects).

Thank you so much to Pseudopod, for being the first to purchase one of my stories (Follow them on Twitter and subscribe to them on iTunes!), and to Kyle Akers, for a fantastic reading (Follow him on Twitter as well!)!

So give the story a listen, will ya?

Oh, and for a little extra fun, CLICK HERE and download or stream Pseudopod 285: Kill Screen - the very first horror podcast I ever listened to. It gave me a good chill, but then, I am a child of the '80s.


Remember, you can FOLLOW me on Twitter (CLICK HERE) and Instagram (CLICK HERE), LIKE me on Facebook (CLICK HERE), and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel (CLICK HERE) if you haven't already. Hope to see you there!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Long Time, No See!

If you subscribe to my YouTube channel (CLICK HERE if you'd like to!), you might have watched the last video I posted, in which I silently shave my head before unceremoniously turning off the camera, and gotten the crazy idea in your head that I'd killed myself or something. My deepening depression in the videos leading up to it, as well as my total V.Logging and B.Logging silence thereafter, might have contributed to this misconception.

Well, I'm here to ease your mind. I'm NOT dead. I just wished I was for a little while there.

Okay, maybe a long while.

To bring you up to speed, in the intervening year-plus I've sold my first story, gotten divorced, started on antidepressants, gotten my first cell phone, made a rough peace with my ex, fallen madly in-love, and been fallen madly in-love with. I false-started a B-movie review B.Log that I hope to start updating again soon (CLICK HERE to see what I managed to post before sputtering out), and I've passed the 1200 page mark in my first novel. I've also stalled in the back quarter of that same novel, and have found it nearly impossible to get back into it. It's strictly a self-discipline (or lack thereof) issue, I know, but stalled is where I'm at, and I won't pretend otherwise, even if you good people have no way of knowing whether or not anything I say here is true.

Anyway, that story I sold should see publication later today, and I'll post the link to it here as soon as I see that it's been posted. I hope you'll check it out. I think it's a pretty good little piece, even if I am a bit biased.

Thanks for tuning-in!


Remember, you can FOLLOW me on Twitter (CLICK HERE) and Instagram (CLICK HERE), LIKE me on Facebook (CLICK HERE), and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel (CLICK HERE) if you haven't already. Hope to see you there!